Youth Resources

Children's Books

Beyond Ecophobia

David Sobel
The Orion Society
Secular resource but explains why it is so important that children spend time outside learning more about the world around.

God Created the Sea Life of the World

Earl Snellenberger & Bonita Snellenberger
Eabon Design and Master Books
Coloring book with bible verses and information about God’s amazing creation. Several other titles in this series.

Born Believers: The Science of Children’s Religious Belief

Justin Barrett
Free Press
“A fascinating and readable account of why religious beliefs are perfectly normal and virtually universal. In an age of atheism, this book will challenge widespread assumptions that nonbelief is the default and that children must be indoctrinated to believe. Jam-packed with insight and wit, Born Believers should be required reading for all parents and for anyone else interested in the spiritual lives of children.? –Robert A. Emmons, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis and Past-President, American Psychological Association?s Division of the Psychology of Religion

Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature

Joyce Sidman
Houghton Mifflin



” A spiral is an elegant form, whether it turns up in a staircase, a seashell, or in your own DNA. Joyce Sidman takes readers on a hunt for spirals in the natural state in her latest picture book, and children (adults too) will be amazed to see how many she turns up. Caldecott winner Beth Krommes provides illustrations that are as elegant as the spiral itself. The simple words of the text, combined with the more in-depth notes at the end, offer an opportunity to marvel at the detailed design apparent in God?s glorious creation. Ages 4 and up.” (review by Kristy Quist in the Banner May 2012)

Children's Curriculum

Sharing Nature With Children

Joseph Bharat Cornell
Ananda Publications
Secular resource but extremely useful in simple ways to get children excited about and exploring the wonders of creation.

Children's website

Last Child in the Woods : Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder

Richard Louv
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
Important book about why it is important for children to play outside and learn more about the natural world, the book has created a movement amongst educators, parents, churches, doctors etc to get children reconnect to nature.

If I were a butterfly

Brian M. Howard
Mission Hills Music
Great children’s song about thanking God for how special he made animals and humans.

Youth Articles & Websites

Evangelical Environmental Network

An organization and website offering a host of materials on the environment for Christians: the online version of Creation Care magazine, facts sheets on environmental issues, worship materials, and booklists. Also education materials for adult ed, youth, children, and families.

Answers in Creation

Organization of Christians promoting Old Earth Concordist views, including rebuttals of Young Earth arguments. Website offers powerpoint lessons on an old earth, and descriptions of books on old-earth creation for children of various ages.

Beyond War and Peace: Reappraisal of the Encounter between Christianity and Science

David Lindberg & Ronald L. Numbers



Season of Creation

A website offering many resources for churches to celebrate God’s creation, including: a bank of nature images in several categories, liturgies around several themes, adult ed curricula, and children’s sermons.

Can a Christian Really Be a Psychologist?

Sergio da Silva

January 18, 2011
Short, accessible article on psychology as a Christian vocation.

Science & Technology Ministry Opportunities

American Scientific Affiliation

Links to several organizations where Christian engineers, medical professionals, and scientists can serve overseas.


The website has not been updated since 2012 but there are good suggestions on it.


The Beauty of Being a Scientist and a Christian

Karl Giberson

A short article illustrating how scientists see God in nature.

Mister Noah’s Neighborhood

Philip Yancey

In this blog post, best-selling Christian author Philip Yancey discusses lessons learned from the wildlife seen out his office window in Colorado.

Want to read about the largest molecule ever found in space? What’s up with the decline of the honeybee population? What was the science behind plugging up the oil spill? offers videos, audio, articles, and analysis of innovative science and discoveries. A favorite for kids is the “Science FAQ” section, which offers explanations and online comments between the science authors and their audience. A “Featured Scientist” page and an interview section introduce those who work to learn more aboutGod’s creation. (Review by Ron VandenBurg in The Banner.)

Guide to Going Green at Home

The Money-Saving Guide to Going Green at Home


Thank you, Ms. Platt and her students Jessica, Jocelyn, Adam, and Madalyn for finding this resource and suggesting it for the Ministry Theorem website.

Youth Books

A Scientific Theology: Volume 1: Nature. Volume 2: Reality. Volume 3: Theory

Alister McGrath

Volume 1: link

Volume 2: link

Volume 3: link

The 3-volume set is available from used book dealers.

McGrath has written a multi-volume systematic theology oriented to questions and issues that tie in with the reality of science and its influence in the modern world. (For an accessible introduction, see his shorter book entitled “The Science of God: An Introduction to Scientific Theology.”)

Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True

Authors: Sara Sybesma Tolsma and Jason Leif

Publisher: Fortress Press, 2019

Link to Fortress Press

The Heavens: Intimate Moments with Your Majestic God

Kevin Hartnett
Thomas Nelson
Over 100 devotions with stunning full-color astronomical photos, scripture, poetry, and accessible scientific explanations.

Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith

Daniel M. Graves
Kregel Publications

Test of Faith: Spiritual Journeys of Scientists

Ruth Bancewicz (Editor)
Wipf & Stock Publishers
Testimonies and biographies of scientist Christians.

Being a Christian in Science

Walter Hearn
InterVarsity Press
Advice for Christian college students as they consider and begin careers in science.

Faith, Reason and the Natural Sciences: The Challenge of the Natural Sciences in the Work of Theologians

Giuseppe A. Tanzella-Nitti
Davies Group Aurora
From author: “The rationale of the book is to help theologians to use the natural sciences in their work as a positive factor of understanding.  An attempt to go beyond Non-overlapping Magisteria, showing why the sciences constitute a fruitful challenge for theologians’ work, and the insights of Judaeo-Christian Revelation a source of understanding for scientists’ ultimate questions.”

Theology in the Context of Science

John Polkinghorne
Yale University Press

Science and the Trinity

John Polkinghorne
Yale University Press

Green Revolution: Coming Together to Care for Creation

Ben Lowe
Ben Lowe presents an informative and inspirational case for Christian involvement in climate change and creation care issues. Sharing real-life stories from churches, communities, and particularly Christian college campuses, along with plentiful research case studies, the author shows how we can make a big difference when we all work together. Lowe issues an impassioned call for an ?incarnational earthcare.? Particularly relevant to youth groups and college students wanting to go green.

Whatever Happened to the Soul?: Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature

Warren Brown (Editor) & Nancy Murphy (Editor) & H. Newton Malony (Editor)
Fortress Press
Top 25 books they recommend in Chinese University libraries.

Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship

John Polkinghorne
Yale University Press

Worldviews: an Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science, 3rd edition

Richard DeWitt

John Calvin and the Natural World

Davis Young
University Press of America
A review of all of John Calvin’s statements related to the natural world.

The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science

Peter Harrison
Cambridge University Press
Text used in senior discussion course for Calvin College science majors.

“Science” and “Religion”: Constructing the Boundaries

Peter Harrison

Peter Harrison is a respected Oxford scholar of the history of science and religion. This scholarly article is a thoughtful introduction to the issues.



Science and Religion, A Historical Introduction

Gary Ferngren (Editor)
Johns Hopkins University Press
Looks at a number of different scientific disciplines (cosmology, geology, biology, etc). It addresses specific events (e.g., Galileo and the Catholic church) as well as how various scientific ideas developed (e.g. theory of evolution, antiquity of the Earth and cosmos). Says conflict is exception rather than rule.

Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary

John C. Collins
P&R Publishing

Youth Curriculum

Fossils and Faith: Finding Our Way Through the Creation Controversy

Thea Leunk
FaithAlive Christian Resources and Christian Schools International
For high-schoolers, covers hermenuetics (how people in Biblical times thought about the universe), a menu of Christian positions on age and evolution, and the importance of creation care.

Wonders In Our World: Insights From God’s Two Books

Cheryl Touryan & Kenell Touryan & Lara Touryan-Whelan
Black Lake Press
About 25 short lessons, each with a strong emphasis on both the Bible and science, organized around three themes: Who is God?, Who am I?, and How can I follow Jesus?. The science is substantial and written at a high school level, but many of the activities and ideas could be adapted by a teacher to lower grades.

Science and Christianity: An Introductory Course for Homeschoolers


A 3-week home school curriculum based on the DVD “Test of Faith,” covering the relationship between science and faith, the universe and the Big Bang, creation and evolution, the environment, and the brain and free will.