Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist who studies climate change and an evangelical Christian. She is passionate about bridging the broad, deep gap between scientists and Christians and says the key to having a real discussion is to connect over shared values like family, community, and faith.
This lecture was part of the 2021 January series at Calvin University.
Can worship practices help heal our broken relationship with the more-than-human creation? How might lament, gratitude, the sacraments, and embodied actions reanimate our love for God’s world? Join this conversation with Katharine Hayhoe and Debra Rienstra
Video posted on January 25, 2021 as part of the 2021 Worship Symposium
August 9, 2020 Rev. Peter Jonker, LaGrave Christian Reformed Church
Francis Collins and N.T. Wright
Ralph Stearley, Calvin College
Lecture given at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, November, 2017
Geologist Stephen Moshier, Wheaton College, presents geological evidence that Earth is billions of years old.
lecture given at the annual meeting of Evangelical Theological Society in November, 2017
Steven Bouma-Prediger
A short video lecture introducing environmental issues from a theologian at Hope College. Would make a great discussion-starter for a youth group meeting or adult-ed class.
Alexander Tsiaras
TED conference
November, 2011
A short video showing human development starting from egg and sperm, with comments from a mathematician who models biological development.
John Van Sloten
New Hope Church, Calgary Alberta
An independent film about a family in 1950s Texas that explores deep theological themes of creation and takes a profound look at the hard questions raised in the book of Job. Review by Roy Anker.