The Lives of a Cell

Lewis Thomas
This collection of brilliant essays first appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine, and was published as a book 40 years ago. They are not obviously written from a religious perspective, but they convey a sense of awe, delight, and surprise both about the nature of the physical world, particularly the nature of biological life, and perhaps reflect as well as anything the attitude of astonished thankfulness that informs the best science. They range in topic from Termites to Bach to the roots of language, and each can be read in a few minutes. Here are some to sample: ‘The Lives of a Cell’; ‘An Earnest Proposal’; ‘Ceti’; ‘Natural Man’; ‘On Various Words’; ‘Living Language’; ‘The World’s Biggest Membrane’.

Cosmic Witness: Commentaries on Science/Technology Themes

George Murphy, Lavonne Althouse & Russell Willis
CSS Publishing Company (out of print)
Amazon link 

This book is a genuine and rich gift to the church and its people. It opens up vast resources from scripture and the liturgy for speaking to our contemporary existence in a scientific and technological world. Not only will preaching from this commentary enrich our spiritual life, it will also challenge and deeply shape our response to the preached Word in our individual and social lives. We have been waiting for a long time to see this kind of resource for biblical preaching!

Philip Hefner, Professor of Systematic Theology, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

You might find a copy at the Baker Books Used site:

Science and Belief

Ruth Bancewicz

This blog often features profiles of scientists who are Christians, worship-inspiring areas of science, and other positive expressions of the science-faith dialogue. Ruth Bancewicz is a biologist, currently a Research Associate at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge (UK) where she led the development of the Test of Faith materials.

Preaching Creation Throughout the Church Year

Jennifer Phillips
Cowley Publications
Amazon link
This book is organized around the lectionary calendar, showing connections between the Bible readings of the church year and a range of science and nature topics. Phillips is an Episcopal priest.

Solid Rock Lectures

Ken Wolgemuth (speaker) & Gregg Davidson (speaker)


Wolgemuth and Davidson are dedicated Christians and PhD geologists, who speak to lay Christians about the evidence that God created the earth billions of years ago. Their website has links to many technical articles but their presentations are very clear for non-scientists.

Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics

Margaret Farley
Amazon link
Farley is a leading Roman Catholic ethicist, writing about sexual ethics from a Christian perspective with academic rigor and an emphasics on justice. Topics include marriage, divorce, homosexuality, and celibacy. Chapters 6-7 provide more practical advice.