ASA3: Theme issue on human origins
American Scientific Affiliation
Theme issue on human origins.
All Things!
Scott Hoezee
The Banner
March 11, 2016
Creation is where the Bible begins. A New Creation is where it ends. In between that beginning and that new beginning, God’s Word again and again returns our thinking to delighting in the physical world.
Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?
Bernard Van Ee
July 27, 2012 Banner
This pastor answers yes, giving a concise overview of Biblical and theological arguments.
Committee on Creation and Science: Report 28 to CRCNA Synod 1991
1991 and science agenda 1991.pdf
The Christian Reformed Church formed the Committee on Creation and Science to address issues of the age of the earth and universe, including Biblical hermeneutics and theological implications.
Francis Collins, a Faithful Scientist
Philip Yancey
In this blog post, best-selling Christian author Phil Yancey profiles Francis Collins, who is an evangelical Christian and head of the National Institutes of Health. (written in November 2010)
When Appearances Are Deceiving
Scott Hoezee,
February 3, 2011
A rebuttal of the “Appearance of Age” argument.
An Ancient Universe: How Astronomers Know the Vast Scale of Cosmic Time
American Astronomical Society
A readable, religiously neutral overview of the astronomical evidence for the age of the universe.
Genesis: A Commentary
Bruce Waltke & Cathi Fredricks
Waltke addresses Genesis as theological literature.
Assessing Evidences for the Evolution of a Human Cognitive Platform for “Soulish Behaviors”
Ralph Stearley
A review of evidence from paleontology and archaeology related to the development of human intellectual and spiritual capacities.
Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople
Tim Keller
Advice for pastors on how to answer the most pressing questions asked by laypeople about evolution.
General Statement on Creation
Bill Dembski, Keith Miller, Paul Nelson, Bob Newman, & Dave Wilcox
A compact list of areas where Christians agree on origins and where the main views disagree: Young Earth, Old Earth, Theistic Evolution, and Intelligent Design.
An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution: Sharing an Evangelical perspective on evolution and its implications for the Christian Faith
Steve Martin
A recent series of blogs discussed the difficulties evolutionary biologists have in finding a church home.
Theories of Origins: A Multi- and Interdisciplinary Course for Undergraduates at Wheaton College
Stephen Moshier, et. al.
Curriculum for team-teaching a college origins course. Other curricular articles in this issue.
Chance from a Theistic Perspective
Loren Haarsma
A summary of arguments for the compatibility of God’s action and randomness, with descriptions of the views of Polkinghorne and MacKay.
Augustine’s Origin of Species: How the great theologian might weigh in on the Darwin debate.
Alister McGrath
May 8, 2009
Report on BioLogos-Reasons To Believe Dialogue
Podcast: An example of loving and truthful dialogue between two Christian organizations that disagree about evolution.
We believe in evolution – and God
Karl Giberson & Darrel Falk
USA Today, page 7A
A short article from the leaders of the Biologos Foundation.
Old Earth or Evolutionary Creation?: Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos (Biologos Books on Science and Christianity)
Edited by Kenneth Keathly, J. B. Stump, and Joe Aguirre
IVP Academic, 2017
The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate
John Walton
InterVarsity Press
Walton is a Biblical scholar at Wheaton College, writing a readable introduction to non-concordist interpretations of Genesis 1. In particular, he argues that Genesis 1 does not describe material origins but depicts the cosmos asGod’s temple with God taking up residence on day 7.
God’s Pattern for Creation: A Covenantal Reading of Genesis 1
W. Robert Godfrey
P&R Publishing
The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
Lee Strobel
2014 – reprint edition
An apologetic for the existence of God based on scientific arguments from fine-tuning and intelligent design. Strobel is a journalist who writes how science impacted his journey from atheism to Christianity.
Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design
Stephen Meyer
The latest arguments for intelligent design from DNA and information theory. Stephen Meyer is a philosopher and Director of the Discovery Institute.
Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament
Peter Enns
Baker Academic
2005, 2nd edition 2015
Enns, an evangelical Christian and Old Testament scholar, argues that scripture has similarities to the incarnation: it is both fully divine and fully human. He considers Ancient Near Eastern literature and its similarities to Genesis and other OT texts.
Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language
William Dembski & Sean McDowell
Harvest House Publishers
A readable introduction to arguments for intelligent design.
A Biblical Case for an Old Earth
David Snoke
Baker Books
Coming to Peace with Science: Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology
Darrel R. Falk & Francis Collins (Forward)
InterVarsity Press
For Christian reflection on evolution.
Nature Red in Tooth and Claw: Theism and the Problem of Animal Suffering
Michael Murray
Oxford University Press
Christian philosopher Michael Murray discusses various Christian explanations for the evil of animal suffering.
Evolution and the Fall
Authors: Cavanaugh, William T. (editor), James K. A. Smith (editor), Michael Gulker (foreword)
Publisher: Eerdmans, 2017
Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique
Edited by J.P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, Christopher Shaw, Ann K. Gauger, and Wayne Grudem
Crossway, 2017
Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation
Gordon Glover
Watertree Press
An accessible introduction to non-literal interpretations of Genesis 1-2.
Reading Genesis and Modern Science: A Study Guide
by Franklin P. DeHaan and David O. DeHaan
published by Credo House Publishers, 2018
Faith and Fossils: The Bible, Creation, and Evolution
by Lester L Grabbe
published by Eerdmans, May 31, 2018
Many books have been written on the Bible and evolution by scientists, but this volume is written by a biblical specialist. In Faith and Fossils Lester Grabbe, a prominent Hebrew Bible scholar, examines the Bible in its ancient context and explores its meaning in light of emerging scientific evidence.
Both the Bible and the fossil record raise significant questions about what it means to be human, and Grabbe expertly draws on both sources to grapple with who we are and where we came from. Written in uncomplicated language and featuring eleven spectacular color plates, Grabbe’s Faith and Fossils creatively shows how science and faith intersect in questions about human origins.
Reformed Theology & Evolutionary Theory
by Gijsbert Van Den Brink
published by Eerdmans, February 25, 2020
Many books aim to help beginners explore whether or not evolutionary science is compatible with Christian faith. This one probes more deeply to ask: What do we learn from modern evolutionary science about key issues that are of special theological concern? And what does Christian theology, especially in its Reformed expressions, say about those same key issues?
Gijsbert van den Brink begins by describing the layers of meaning in the phrase “evolutionary theory” and exploring the question of how to interpret the Bible with regard to science. He then works through five key areas of potential conflict between evolutionary theory and Christian faith, spelling out scientific findings and analyzing Christian doctrinal concerns along the way. His conclusion: although some traditional doctrinal interpretations must be adjusted, evolutionary science is no obstacle to classical Christian faith.
For the Love of All Creatures: The Story of Grace in Genesis
by William Greenway
published by Eerdmans, September 21, 2015
This broad- ranging, groundbreaking book by William Greenway unfolds a biblical spirituality centering on love for all creation and all creatures. Greenway rereads the creation and flood narratives in Genesis from an overtly creature-loving perspective that not only inspires care for creation but also reveals sophisticated understandings of faith, grace, and evil vital for twenty-first-century spirituality.
Comparing the ancient Israelite cosmology of Genesis both with the ancient Babylonian cosmology of the Enuma Elish and with the modern Darwinian cosmology of Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan, Greenway shows how the Bible in Genesis extends far beyond those other cosmologies in its discernment of the transcending, gracious love of God. Standing at the intersection of animal rights, “green” biblical studies, and philosophical theology, Greenway’s For the Love of All Creatures will interest and inform a wide range of readers.
Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture After Genetic Science
by Denis R. Venema and Scot McKnight
Brazos Press, 2017
Beginnings: Ancient Christian Readings of the Biblical Creation Narratives
by Peter C. Bouteneff
Baker Academic, 2008
Caring for Creation: The Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment
by Paul Douglas and Mitch Hescox
Bethany House Publishers, 2016
Finding Ourselves after Darwin
by Stanley P. Rosenberg and a large number of contributors
Baker Academic, 2018
Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn’t Say about Human Origins
by Peter Enns
Brazos Press, 2012
Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach to Evolution
Denis O. Lamoureux
Wipf & Stock Publishers
A longer, more in-depth version of his book “I love Jesus and I accept evolution.”
I Love Jesus and I Accept Evolution
Denis O. Lamoureux
Wipf & Stock Publishers
How one scientist resolved tensions between evolution and his faith in Jesus.
Origins: Christian Perspectives on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design
Deborah B Haarsma & Loren D Haarsma
FaithAlive Christian Resources
An overview of the range of Christian positions on origins, including age of the Earth, evolution, and human origins. Includes discussion questions for small groups, and an associated website of supplementary material and resources:
Life’s Solutions: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe
Simon Conway Morris
Cambridge University Press
Amazon link
Argument that evolution is a process that inevitably leads to intelligent life.
Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution
Michael J. Behe
Free Press
2006 (2nd edition)
Arguments against evolution and for intelligent design.
Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA
William Dembski (Editors) & Michael Ruse (Editors)
Cambridge University Press
Anthology of accessible articles, providing a range of Christian views on evolution and intelligent design.
Perspectives on an Evolving Creation
Keith Miller (Editor)
Anthology of writings by experts on theistic evolution.
Honest to Genesis: A Biblical and Scientific Challenge to Creationism
Margaret Grey Towne
Biologist and teacher Margaret Towne discusses evolution and creation at an accessible level.
The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate
Del Ratzsch
IVP Academic
Ratzsch is an expert in the philosophy of science and has written extensively on some of the main flash points that have traditionally existed between theology and science, especially around questions on cosmic origins.
Creation and Evolution: Rethinking the Evidence from Science and the Bible
Alan Hayward
Wipf & Stock Publishers
This book presents arguments for progressive creation (with rebuttals of young earth and evolution).
Creation as Science: A Testable Model Approach to End the Creation/Evolution Wars
Hugh Ross
Discusses different Christian approaches to origins and how they could be tested scientifically.
God Did It, But How? (Creation, Science and Christian Faith)
Robert B. Fischer
Very accessible, good as a gift to high school students or church members.
Species of Origins: America’s Search for a Creation Story
Karl Giberson (Editor) & Donald Yerxa (Editor)
Roman & Littlefield
Creation or Evolution: Do We Have to Choose?
Denis Alexander
Kregel Publications
Argues for theistic evolution, including scientific evidence and Biblical arguments.
Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science Theology
by William Demski
IVP Academic
Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation
Mark Whorton & Hill Roberts
B and H Publishing Group
Nature’s Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith
Daniel M. Harrell
Abingdon Press
A pastor discusses the evidence for evolution and its connection to faith.
God and Evolution: A Faith-based Understanding
David Wilcox
Judson Press
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief
Francis Collins
Free Press
The former head of the Human Genome project gives his testimony as an evangelical Christian and explains the evidence for evolution and human evolution. Good appendix on bioethics.
The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism
Ronald Numbers
Harvard University Press
History of the development of young earth creationism, counters several stereotypes and self-image of movement.
Darwin’s Forgotten Defenders: The Encounter Between Evangelical Theology and Evolutionary Thought
David Livingstone
Regent College
Study of theisic evolution in conservative protestant circles in late 1800s early 1900s.
Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives
John Brooke
Cambridge University Press
reprint edition 2014
A book that pastors should consult when they broach science and religion issues (very good treatment of natural theology).
Reasons to Believe
Organization of Christians promoting an Old Universe and concordist views of Genesis, with rebuttals of both Young Earth and Theistic Evolution views, led by Hugh Ross.
Discovery Institute
Organization of Christians promoting the Intelligent Design view of origins, with rebuttals of both Young Earth and Theistic Evolution views.
Answers in Genesis
Organization of Christians promoting the Young Earth view of origins, led by Ken Ham.
The Clergy Letter Project / Evolution Sunday / Evolution Weekend
Interfaith coalition of clergy in support of evolution. Sample sermons, mostly defending how evolution can be compatible with faith.
The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications
John C. Whitcomb & Henry M. Morris
Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing
Evolution Exposed: Your Evolution Answer Book for the Classroom
Roger Patterson
published by Answers in Genesis
The New Answers Book 2
Ken Ham
Master Books
The Young Earth
John Morris
Master Books; Har/Cdr Re edition
John Morris is president of the Institute for Creation Research in El Cajon, CA, and has a PhD in Geology from the University of Oklahoma. He is a popular speaker and author, and in addition to his writing and research, has searched Turkey’s Mt. Ararat several times for Noah s ark.
Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome
John Stanford
Feed My Sheep Foundation, Inc.; 3rd ed. edition
Old Earth Creationism on Trial: The Verdict Is In
Tim Chaffey and Jason Lisle
Master Books
Evolution: The Grand Experiment: Vol. 1
Dr. Carl Werner
New Leaf Press
2007, updated edition 2014
Evolution: The Grand Experiment: Vol. 2 – Living Fossils
Dr. Carl Werner
New Leaf Press
Earth’s Catastrophic Past
Andrew Snelling
Institute for Creation Research
Searching for Adam: Genesis & the Truth About Man’s Origin
Written and edited by Dr. Terry Mortenson
Master Books 2016
“You can believe with great intellectual integrity what the Bible says about Adam and the origin and history of man.”
The Bible Among the Myths: Unique Revelation or Just Ancient Literature?
By John N. Oswalt
Zondervan, 2009
The New Creationism: Building Scientific Theory on a Biblical Foundation
by Paul Garner
Faverdale North, UK: Evangelical Press, 2009
Should Christians Embrace Evolution: Biblical & Scientific Responses
Norman C. Nevin, editor
P & R Publishing, 2011
Institute for Creation Research
For overall perspectives on Young Earth Creationism.
Video of the Nye-Ham Debate
You may view the entire debate between Bill Nye “The Science Guy” and Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis as it was held at Ham’s Creation Museum, February 4, 2014.
Nye-Ham Debate responses 1
Here you can read responses by several of the people involved at Biologos
Video of the Nye-Ham Debate (follow up 2)
Additionally, Ken Ham taped a post-debate interview to elaborate on some of his responses and to express items he did not have time for in the debate.
Sermon Planning Essays by Dr. Rolf Bouma, listed by Biblical passage
Genesis 1:14-19: link
Genesis 1:22 and 28: link
Genesis 2:9-10: link
Genesis 2:15: link
Genesis 3:14-15: link
Genesis 7:11; 8:1-3a: link
Genesis 30:31-43: link
Leviticus 19:19, Deuteronomy 22:9-11: link
1 Kings 4:29-34: link
Jeremiah 4:22-28: link
Psalm 19:4 and others: link
Psalm 29: link
Psalm 148: link
Proverbs 8:22-28: link
All of the above Science & Religion commentaries were written in 2012 by Dr. Rolf Bouma specifically for the Ministry Theorem website.
Reason to Believe – Can Faith and Science Coexist?
August 9, 2020 Rev. Peter Jonker, LaGrave Christian Reformed Church
Thank You, God, for Water, Soil, and Air: Four services celebrating creation
John Paarlberg
Reformed Worship
March, 1995, updated July, 2024
Four services, including short sermons.
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Matthew 24:36-51: The Days of Noah
Scott Hoezee
This sermon was originally preached at Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids MI in 2004, updated in 2023.
Colossians 1:15-23: Every Creature
Scott Hoezee
Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids MI
Ecclesiastes 9:1-12: Time, Chance, and God
Scott Hoezee
Calvin CRC, Grand Rapids, MI
That is not a word which Christians like very much. Our mothers taught us to resist referring to a certain person as just being “lucky” in life. Most of us were taught to avoid thinking that once we got out of college, we’d “try out our luck” at a certain profession. We prefer to call successful people “blessed.” We prefer not “to try out our luck” but to “seek God’s providential guidance.” I was even upbraided once for using the word “unfortunately” in a sermon. We Christians do not believe in “fortune,” this earnest man informed me. There is nothing either “fortunate” or “unfortunate” in life. (Thereafter I began to substitute the word “unhappily” every time I was tempted to use “unfortunately” in a sermon!)
Curiously, however, science has been talking about luck, chance, and randomness a lot more in the last seventy-five or so years. Quantum indeterminancy, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and so-called “Chaos Theory” have all pointed to a universe which, at least on the physical level, seems to have a certain degree of randomness built into it. Ironically, one of the discoveries that has led to this is something which we Christians would probably applaud: namely, science has discovered that the universe is much more unified and interconnected than was once thought. The physical world looks like a delicately designed web instead of a long string of disconnected particles.
Since we Christians believe that God designed this cosmos, we are not surprised to learn that it has a certain unity to it. But it is that very interconnectedness which has led to “Chaos Theory.” Basically what this postulate states is that at the quantum level of physics–way down at that very tiny, most fundamental level of particles–everything is so influenced by everything else that there is never any predicting just how events will turn out. The classic example is the “butterfly effect.” Ever wonder why it can be so hard to predict the weather? Science may now have an answer because it turns out that the flap of a butterfly’s wing over Calder Plaza today may well influence the whipping up of a thunderstorm over Bangladesh next week! That, by the way, is not some cutesy exaggeration: it looks like the truth!
Einstein is the one who kicked off the chain of discoveries which led to such theories but he didn’t like the results one bit. “God does not play dice with the universe,” he famously said. Reality just cannot be that sensitive and seemingly random. Over the fireplace in the math department at Princeton University is another, somewhat less famous, quote of Einstein: “Raffiniert is der Herr Gott, aber boshaft ist Er nicht.” “The Lord God is clever but he’s not devious.” God does not play tricks on us, in other words. Life has to make sense on both the subtle and the obvious level. There is a plan, a blueprint, a reliable equation which undergirds all events, things, creatures, and certainly human beings.
I’ll leave it for another occasion to ponder whether Christians could accept a universe into which God himself may have programmed a degree of randomness. But for tonight it will be enough to see that, not surprisingly, the Teacher of Ecclesiastes joins contemporary science in casting into doubt just how predictable this life is. You expect that much from Qoheleth! Just one thing is certain, he says: we will all die. Beyond that, however, the Teacher is wide open to a great many seemingly random events of, as he puts it in verse 11, “time and chance.”
In verse 1 the Teacher even leaves open the question of what God will do with the most holy of people after they die. Even if you lived a good life, the Teacher says, you face this question: After you die, will you encounter love or hate; a divine smile or a terrifying scowl? Like the verse from chapter 3 which questioned whether human souls really do go to God after death, so also this verse may be highly unsettling to us.
But it’s not just this one verse. The whole chapter is unsettling (again!). Life looks so random, the Teacher says. Dim-witted folks whose minds resemble 25-watt bulbs are as likely to succeed as bright intellectuals who shine like 300-watt floodlights. Swift runners may well trip and lose a race to slower contenders. A well-trained and highly equipped army may lose the battle to an inferior opponent just because a thunderstorm made their tanks get stuck in the mud. There are lots of wealthy people who never bothered with college even as there are people with two Ph.D’s who cannot find work.
In verses 11-12 the Teacher underscores something we all know only too well: life is not fair. We perhaps are no longer as vocal about it as when we were young children out on the playgrounds of life, but even most of us who are now well-seasoned adults have many times when we want to shout out at the top of our lungs that childhood cry, “But that’s not fair!” We worked harder than Harry but guess who got the promotion? We studied longer than Laurie but guess who got the top-notch teaching post? We got better grades than Jeremy but guess who, even before he graduated, had to beat off job offers with a stick whereas all the resumés we sent out seem to have vanished in the mist?
Ours is a backwards, mixed-up world. As Christians, we chalk this up to sin. Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. Our neighbor cuts corners on his taxes every year and never hears a peep out of the IRS. We try to be scrupulously honest every year but guess who gets caught on a math error (and then fined for it to boot)? Somewhat devious wheelers and dealers play the stock market in ways which raise all kinds of ethical issues but they make a fortune doing it. A kindly widow in West Michigan makes precisely one big investment in her life in something called IRM, and guess what happens?
When the Teacher notes in verse 11 that “the race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned,” he is not merely recording what he sees under the sun, he’s lamenting it! His only explanation is that “time and chance happen to them all.” In other words, this is just how things shake out in a world as weirdly broken as this one. Life looks chaotically random. The wrong people as often as not get ahead, get away with it, get the reward.
Although more poignant and curmudgeonly than other parts of the Bible, Ecclesiastes is hardly the only passage that notes these inconsistencies. The entire Book of Job could be seen as a kind of extended argument against reducing life to simple quid quo pro formulations whereby people always get rewarded or punished according to their just deserts. A fair number of the psalms of lament in the Book of Psalms decry how the wicked prosper even while the righteous suffer injustice. And although many of the Old Testament prophets speak words of judgment on those who get away with murder by unfair business practices, the fact of the matter was that those merchants did get away with it.
But if this were all the Bible had to say on the subject–if the Teacher’s bitter lament about the blind luck of life were the Scripture’s last word–then we would be left with only cynicism and bitterness. If the only sure thing in an unfair world were death–and if our only comfort were the fact that death, as the great leveler and equalizer of all, will at last even out the scales of life–then the Bible would be a grim book after all. But there is most certainly something more in the Bible. We can move beyond only noting and shaking our heads over life’s inherent unfairness.
We don’t need to be so grim. Why? Because God himself was not content with life’s lop-sidedness. Instead God himself got deep inside the unfairness of life and exploded (or imploded) that imbalance from the inside out. God did an end-run on unfairness by letting himself become the victim of it! In a sense, God through Jesus the Son took advantage of and exploited the upside-down, backwards nature of life in a fallen creation.
Because of sin it is true that as often as not the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to the strong. So God the Son didn’t even try to compete on those levels–Jesus did not try to be swift or strong. Instead Jesus emptied himself, gave up divine strength. As Paul put it in Philippians 2, Jesus made himself nothing for our sakes. Jesus let himself lose the race and seemingly lose the battle. The cross, Paul said more than once in his New Testament letters, looks like foolishness to the world. As symbols of hope go, the cross is ludicrous! Yet it is the very wisdom of God.
God the Son sunk himself deep down into the unfairness of life by letting himself become the victim of the ultimate unfairness, of the ultimate cosmic example of justice miscarried. But through the unfair thing that happened to Jesus, because of the miscarriage of justice which Pontius Pilate so blithely oversaw, there is hope and salvation for all the rest of us who suffer unfairly and unjustly in this backwards world.
“Meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless, all is Phhht,” the Teacher of Ecclesiastes says over and over again, numbing his readers with this dismal refrain. As we said in the first sermon in this series, it is utter candor and honesty that leads to that mournfully cynical cry. But precisely because God did not disagree with this fundamental assessment of a world gone bad, precisely because God himself both recognized and despised the way things mostly go in this world, he sent Jesus the Son to meet the “meaninglessness” of Qoheleth head on. Jesus entered the void, dove into the abyss of this world’s unfairness. He died what was by all appearances a meaningless, senseless death.
“What a waste,” passersby to the cross on Skull Hill might have said that dark Friday afternoon. Jesus let himself get “wasted”– ever notice that slang term that refers to killing someone in an act of wanton violence? But by being wasted as the victim of an unfair world Jesus somehow saves us from the unfairness of this life. Jesus identified himself with anyone who ever felt that he deserved better than he got. He was strong and yet let himself get shoved around by a group of rowdy Roman soldiers as though he were a fifty-pound weakling. Jesus knows what it’s like to be strong but still lose. He was the very wisdom of God incarnate and yet allowed himself to be treated like a fool, dressed up in a moth-eaten purple curtain and paraded through the streets like the village idiot. Jesus knows what it’s like to be intelligent but still watch dim-witted people come out on top.
Jesus met the unfairness, the backwardness, the inexplicable randomness of raw meaninglessness head on. But . . . that colossus of unfairness, that juggernaut of injustice that landed him on a cross, somehow turned things around. And one of the principal things affected was death itself. Like many writers in the Old Testament era, the Teacher of Ecclesiastes sees death as a very dark, very uncertain, possibly finally end to anything which makes human life valuable. What happens to us after we die is uncertain, whether God will be friendly or hostile to even the best of people is uncertain, and just generally it looks like the dead–if they have a conscious existence at all in the grave–are in some kind of morbid paralyzed state, unable to do anything, think anything, say anything.
In a book full of life’s meaninglessness, death is the nadir, the very epitome, of all meaninglessness. But in Christ we believe meaninglessness has been met and so even the grave is now redolent of resurrection hope. For now death is still a tragedy, but it is not a final or ultimate tragedy. It is not the end of everything for all those whose spiritual address is “in Christ.” Yes, death does come to all, it is a common fate. It can even can serve as a reminder that no matter what social, economic, racial, or other stratifications people try to live by on this earth, in the end everybody arrives at the same level playing field of a death they cannot prevent.
But for those in Christ the utter meaninglessness and seeming “dead end” road of the grave is gone. Jesus entered the rhythms of life’s fundamental unfairness to rescue each victim of inequity in a salvation and a love stronger than death.
Yet it is grander, more startling than even just that. In one of his lovely sermons about ten years ago Neal Plantinga pondered the story of Cain and Abel. In a way, for our purpose tonight, we can see that story as perhaps the Bible’s first example not just of fratricide, not just of envy, but also as the first instance of gross unfairness. Abel was the innocent and good and righteous man. He was the pious one whose offering was more pure, more deserving. Abel’s sacrifice was from the firstfruits of his harvest, an offering consistent with the God who deserves a portion not of our leftovers but of our best. Cain, on the other hand, was the slouch, the one who grabbed just any old lamb from his flock, reserving his firstborn and best sheep for himself.
In God’s eyes Abel deserved to get ahead, deserved the extra favor from God he got. But that was just from the divine perspective–a viewpoint as often as not hidden from the eyes of the world. From the human side of things Abel was the nice guy who finished last. He was the good son who died too soon, a victim of injustice, just the first example in a long series calamatis, a never-ending string of unjust calamities wherein the more deserving end up on the bottom of the heap while the dim-witted and slovenly like Cain go on to live a long life. As Plantinga said, we look to Jesus for hope where this world’s Abels are concerned. We look to Jesus to raise up in the resurrection all the saintly people whose blood cries out from the soil of this unfair world.
But in encountering and ultimately unmaking the meaninglessness and unfairnesses of life, Jesus did more. He raises Cain, too. Jesus went down into that grave which looked so hopeless and bleak to the Teacher and in so doing Jesus took the place of innocent Abel and of every nice, good person who ever finished last. But he took Cain’s place, too. “He who knew no sin was made to be sin for our sakes,” the New Testament tells us. He who was not Cain became Cain for us, and Abel, too. And on Easter morning when the stone was rolled away and Jesus emerged from the grave “leading captives in his train,” those who stumbled out of the tomb with Jesus, squinting against the bright light of the new dawn’s sunlight, were all of this worlds Abels and all its Cains as well.
In his own flesh Jesus took all that is innocent and brought it together with all that is guilty. He took all that is fair in God’s desires for this world and brought it into reconciling contact with all that is unfair in a world gone bad. He reconciled them in his own flesh, Paul says, and so won a cosmic victory over death–this is a victory the full effects of which we have only begun to suspect and see.
Time and chance may happen to us all. But thanks be to God that Christ Jesus has “happened” to us, too. In our time and space, in a world of chaos and luck, randomness and chance, the providence of God won the victory after all. And if you know Christ Jesus and the power of his resurrection life hidden in you, then it really is true what your mother told you: you’re not lucky, you are blessed.
Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5: Holy Time (a sermon on the 4th Commandment)
Scott Hoezee
Calvin CRC, Grand Rapids, MI
Psalm 90: Throughout All Generations
Scott Hoezee
Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI
Psalm 29: All Cry Glory!
Scott Hoezee
Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI
Psalm 19: The Elegant Universe
Scott Hoezee
Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI
Genesis 1: The End in the Beginning
Scott Hoezee
Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids MI
Praise the Source of Faith and Learning
Thomas Troeger
Oxford University Press
The chorus compares faith and learning to two currents that blend “till they carve a single course,” returning to God, their source. Can be sung to Hyfrydol, a common Welsh tune used for “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,” “Alleluia, Sing to Jesus,” and other hymns. The song is licensed through LicenSing:
Canticle to the Sun
Saint Francis of Assisi
praises God for “Brother Sun,” “Sister Water,” etc.
Habel Hymns Volume One: Songs for Celebrating With Creation
Norman C. Habel
Several songs for celebrating with creation, lyrics that can be sung to common hymn tunes.
The First Place
Matt Westerholm
Christ as creator. Follow link for lyrics and chord charts. Piano arrangement in “Singing the New Testament” and “Contemporary Songs for Worship.”
Chris Rice
God of Wonders Beyond Our Galaxy
Principles of Biomedical Ethics 8th Edition
James F. Childress & Tom L. Beauchamp
Oxford Press
Arguably the foremost scholarly work articulating theories and principles of biomedical ethics
Pastoral Genetics: Theology and Care at the Beginning of Life
Ronald Cole-Turner & Brent Waters
Pilgrim Press
Two Protestant chaplains provide advice on pastoral care for persons experiencing genetic conditions and diseases.
On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics
Stephen Lammers (Editor) & Allen Verhey (Editor)
An anthology of 105 articles featuring theological perspectives on major issues in bioethics predominantly from Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faith traditions.
The Lives of a Cell
Lewis Thomas
This collection of brilliant essays first appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine, and was published as a book 40 years ago. They are not obviously written from a religious perspective, but they convey a sense of awe, delight, and surprise both about the nature of the physical world, particularly the nature of biological life, and perhaps reflect as well as anything the attitude of astonished thankfulness that informs the best science. They range in topic from Termites to Bach to the roots of language, and each can be read in a few minutes. Here are some to sample: ‘The Lives of a Cell’; ‘An Earnest Proposal’; ‘Ceti’; ‘Natural Man’; ‘On Various Words’; ‘Living Language’; ‘The World’s Biggest Membrane’.
Society for Developmental Biology
SDB is a non-profit professional society dedicated to advancement of the field of developmental biology. Over recent decades, the SDB has grown from a few hundred members to nearly 2000, and has evolved to provide an international forum for research, education and career development in developmental biology.
Stem Cell Basics
Website at the National Institutes of Health
Embryonic Stem Cells and a Reformed Christian World View:
A review in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. Discusses issues pertinent to embryonic stem cells and to the beginning of human life.
Embryonic Stem Cells and a Reformed Christian World View: A Response
A Response to Robert Boomsma: A critical response to the previous article, also published in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith by Adrian Teo and Donald Calbreath.
Becoming Earthkeepers
Kate Kooyman
The Banner
January 18, 2011
Good advice from churches that are developing creation care practices.
Earthkeeping in Action
The Banner
January 18, 2011
Stories of creation care projects from 10 CRC churches.
Global Warming: Scientific Basis and Christian Response
Thomas Ackerman
A top Christian climatologist gives an excellent introduction to the science of global warming and various responses from Christians.
Creation Care
Christian Reformed Office of Social Justice
Practical ideas for congregations on worship, fellowship, building, outreach, habits, advocacy, education.
That Dreaded “E-Word”: Why are we so afraid to talk about the environment?
Brian and Carmen Los
The Banner
January 18, 2011
Short, accessible article.
For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation Care
Steven Bouma-Prediger
Baker Academic
2010 (2nd edition)
A Christian vision for creation care, one of the top theological treatments.
Earthwise (3rd edition): A Guide to Hopeful Creation Care
Calvin B. Dewitt
Faith Alive Christian Resources
DeWitt describes the wonders of God’s creation, how fallen humanity and modern society have abused God’s creation, and how Christians can respond to the crisis of environmental abuse. Each chapter includes suggestions for the group session. The book also has an appendix for additional self-study.
Remember Creation: God’s World of Wonder and Delight
Scott Hoezee
A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-based Decisions
Katherine Hayhoe & Andrew Farley
A husband-wife team (a pastor and a climate scientist) discuss climate change.
Serve God, Save the Planet
J. Matthew Sleeth
Practical, readable how-to guide to changing your lifestyle.
Saving God’s Green Earth: Rediscovering the Church’s Responsibility to Environmental Stewardship
Tri Robinson & Jason Chatrow
Ampelon Publishing
Redeeming Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship
Raymond Van Dyke
InterVarsity Press
Good for freshmen or intermediate courses.
Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church
N. T. Wright
One of the top two theological treatments of creation care. A book about heaven, but infused with thoughts on creation care.
Our Father’s World: Mobilizing the Church to Care for Creation
Edward Brown
Doorlight Publications
Ecotheology: A Christian Conversation
Edited by Kiara A. Jorgenson and Alan G. Padgett
Foreword by Katharine Heyhoe
Richard Bauckham, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Steven Bouma-Prediger, and John F. Haught.
Eerdmans, publish date 9/24/2020
Interfaith Power and Light
“We have been working with faith communities to become active and responsible stewards of creation, with a focus on energy conservation.” Links to similar organizations in several U.S. states.
Christian Reformed Office of Social Justice
Do Justice is a conversation space for justice in the Christian Reformed Church.
A Rocha
A Christian nature conservation organization. A Rocha projects are frequently cross-cultural in character, and share a community emphasis, with a focus on science and research, practical conservation and environmental education.
ECHO: Honoring God through Sustainable Hunger Solutions
This non-profit Christian organization focuses on agricultural development for small farms in tropical areas. They distribute seeds that will grow in difficult climates, provide scientific information, and work with missionaries and development workers.
Skeptical Science: Getting Skeptical about Global Warming Skepticism
This website, run by a Christian, responds to common arguments against global warming. Each response has a short easy-to-understand answer and a long answer with links to the refereed literature.
Robert Boyle’s Religious Life, Attitudes, and Vocation
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
Eugene Wigner
John Wiley & Sons
Wigner describes mathematics and physics to point out the amazement that these work together. He is not a Christian, but concludes “The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve.”
Dynamic Link: Christian Perspectives on Software Development
Calvin College Computer Science Department
This journal on Christianity and computing includes articles such as “Why Christian Engineers and Scientists need a Devotional Life” and “Code’s Creative Spirit”.
Copernicus and the Tale of the Pale Blue Dot
Dennis Danielson
Did Copernicus de-throne the Earth, humiliating us by moving us away from the center of the solar system? Danielson rebuts this view, showing that Copernicus’ heliocentrism and later developments in astronomy have NOT made humanity insignificant. This lecture was given at several conferences in 2001-2004.
What Scientists Think About Religion
Elaine Ecklund
Ecklund summarizes the results of a major study on the beliefs of scientists at major universities. This sociologist finds roughly 30% are secular atheists, 50% have some religious identity (about 20% attend a house of worship and 3% are evangelicals), and 20% are “spiritual but not religious.” Scientists are more likely to be spiritual than most Christians think, and Christian beliefs are less of an impediment to a scientific career than most scientists think.
Global Warning(s): The science behind climate change
Brian Martin
A short accessible article on the scientific evidence for climate change caused by humans. See also the editoral by Bob DeMoor in the same edition of the Banner:
The religious questions raised by aliens
Marc Kaufman
This Washington Post article includes several quotes from Protestants, Catholics, and atheists related to a 2009 Vatican conference on astrobiology.
Where is Everyone? A review of “Beyond UFOs”
Jennifer Wiseman (reviewer)
Sep/Oct 2011
NASA scientist and Christian Jennifer Wiseman reviews a book by Jeffrey Bennett: “Beyond UFOs: The Search for Extraterrestrial life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our Future.” Bennett is not a Christian but emphasizes that science and religion are not at odds on this or other issues. Wiseman provides a good brief introduction to the issues from a Christian perspective, and cites this Washington Post article on the Vatican 2009 conference on Astrobiology:
Science and Belief
Ruth Bancewicz
This blog often features profiles of scientists who are Christians, worship-inspiring areas of science, and other positive expressions of the science-faith dialogue. Ruth Bancewicz is a biologist, currently a Research Associate at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge (UK) where she led the development of the Test of Faith materials.
Tim Stafford’s Blog
Tim Stafford is a freelance writer and Senior Writer for Christianity Today Magazine. He’s written more than twenty books, both fiction and non-fiction. His blog frequently addresses issues of science, technology, and Christian faith.
Reformed Matters: The Most Beautiful Theater
Dale Cooper
The Banner
January 18, 2011
Short, accessible article on John Calvin’s metaphor of the world as a theater of God’s glory.
Six Wrong Things You Thought When You Heard Galileo’s Name This Week: Happy 400th anniversary of not-quite-a-milestone in science!
Ted Olsen
The Christian History Blog
Ted Olsen corrects misperceptions about Galileo and the church.
Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina
Galileo Galilei (Translated by Stillman Drake)
What Galileo wrote about how his discoveries connected with his faith.
Journal of Theology and Science
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
Quintessence of Dust
Steven Matheson
“Quintessence of Dust explores issues of science and Christian faith, focusing on genetics, development, evolution, neuroscience, and related topics, regularly discussing intelligent design, creationism, and other scientific issues that worry evangelical Christians.”
Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion: Illusions, Delusions, and Realities about Human Nature
Malcolm Jeeves & Warren S. Brown
West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press
Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics
Margaret Farley
Amazon link
Farley is a leading Roman Catholic ethicist, writing about sexual ethics from a Christian perspective with academic rigor and an emphasics on justice. Topics include marriage, divorce, homosexuality, and celibacy. Chapters 6-7 provide more practical advice.
Boyle: Between God and Science
Michael Hunter
Yale University Press
Amazon link
Robert Boyle: A Study in Science and Christian Belief
R. Hooykaas & H. Van Dyke (Trans.)
University Press of America
This book offers a comprehensive study of the thought of Robert Boyle in the context of his time. Boyle was a pioneer of experimental physics and founder of modern chemistry. Hooykaas provides a historical study of the relations between science and Christian faith in Boyle focusing on his views of religion, revelation, reason and experience. Boyle’s conception of science is compared with those of Descartes, Gassendi, Newton, Bacon and Pascal. It is a close textual study of the collected works of Boyle using the edition of 1772. It corrects criticism that Hooykaas abused history of science to engage in Christian apologetics. It is intended for historians of science, philosophers of science, students of religion and science relations, Boyle scholars, and historians of chemistry.
A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature
Robert Boyle & Edward B. Davis (Editor) & Michael Hunter (Editor)
Cambridge University Press
Amazon link
To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design
Henry Petroski
Vintage Books: New York
Amazon link
Society, Ethics, and Technology, 5th Ed
Morton E. Winston & Ralph D. Edelbach
Thomson-Wadsworth: Belmont, CA
Amazon link
The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity
Caroline Walker Bynum
New York: Columbia University Press
Amazon link
Psychology Through the Eyes of Faith
David G. Myers & Malcolm A. Jeeves
San Francisco: HarperOne
Revised edition: 2002
Amazon link
Real Scientists, Real Faith: 17 Leading Scientists Reveal the Harmony Between Their Science and Their Faith
R. J. Berry (editor)
Monarch Books
Amazon link
Body, Soul and Life Everlasting: Biblical Anthropology and the Monism-Dualism Debates
John W. Cooper
Eerdmans Publishing Company
Amazon link
A defense of holistic dualism from Calvin Seminary professor emeritus John Cooper.
Faith and Beauty: A Theological Aesthetic
Edward Farley
Ashgate Publishing
Amazon link
A book on beauty and theology.
The Beauty of the Infinite
David Bentley Hart
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Amazon link
Beauty and theology
Flatland: a Romance of Many Dimensions
Edwin Abbott & Robin Field
A classic book exploring geometry, polyhedra, and higher dimensions, as well as social commentary on Victorian society. Also consider the recent animated film:
Shape of Space
Jeff Weeks
CRC Press
Amazon link
A book on geometry, polyhedra, and higher dimensions.
Euler’s Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology
David S. Richeson
Princeton University Press
A book on geometry, polyhedra, and higher dimensions.
Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry
Ian Stewart
Basic Books
amazon link
A book on symmetry.
Truth and Beauty: Aesthetic Motivations in Science
S. Chandrasekhar
University of Chicago Press
Amazon link
Beauty in math and science
The Luminous Web: Essays on Science and Religion
by Barbara Brown Taylor
Cowley Publications, 2000
God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath
by N.T. Wright
Zondervan, 2020
Why Science and Faith Need Each Other: Eight Shared Values That Move Us beyond Fear
by Elaine Howard Ecklund
Brazos Press, 2020
Shalom and the Community of Creation: An Indigenous Vision
by Randy S. Woodley
Eerdmans, 2012
The Believing Scientist: Essays on Science and Religion
by Stephen M. Barr
Eerdmans, 2016
Faith and Science in the 21st Century: A Postmodern Primer for Youth and Adults
Peter M. Wallace
Church Publishing
August 2018
Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? (Point/Counterpoint)
Authors: Dennett, Daniel C. and Alvin Plantinga
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Mathematics and the Aesthetic: A New Approach to an Ancient Affinity
Nathalie Sinclair (Editor) & David Primm (Editor) & William Higginson (Editor)
Amazon link
A book on beauty in mathematics and science.
Beyond the Cosmos: What Recent Discoveries in Astrophysics Reveal about the Glory and Love of God
Author: Hugh Ross
Publisher: Signalman Publishing; 3rd edition
Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology
Derek C. Schuurman
Publisher: IVP Academic, 2013
Derek Schuurman provides a brief theology of technology, rooted in the Reformed tradition and oriented around the grand themes of creation, fall, redemption and new creation.
Song of a Scientist: The Harmony of a God-Soaked Creation
Calvin DeWitt
Square Inch
Amazon link
World-renowned environmental scientist Cal DeWitt is widely regarded as a pioneer in opening the eyes of the Christian community to the wonders of God’s Creation and the dangers of its degradation by human beings. With the rare combination of scientific rigor, poetic imagination, and a deep Christian faith, DeWitt probes the twin books of God’s Word and God’s world, nudging us toward grateful stewardship and praise, joining the doxology of all creation
Naturalism (Interventions)
Stewart Goetz & Charles Taliaferro
Amazon link
“Goetz and Taliaferro make the most rigorous popularly accessible reply yet to the new atheists, as Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and their lesser-known confreres have been dubbed. They critique philosophical naturalism, the bedrock of the new atheism, which holds that all phenomena can be accounted for by material physical processes, and also naturalist rejections of mind and the soul.” – Ray Olson
Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism
Alvin Plantinga
Oxford University Press
amazon link
It is astonishing that so many scientists, philosophers, and theologians think there is a serious conflict between science and theistic religion. In this superb book, the world’s leading philosopher of religion explains, with characteristic wit and perceptiveness, why none of the main reasons for thinking there is such a conflict are even remotely successful. –Mike Bergmann, Purdue University
God and Time: Four Views
Paul Helm & Alan Padgett & William Lane Craig & Nicholas Wolterstorff
IVP Academic
Amazon link
Did God create time? Did God exist before the universe? Does God have a different time stream than we do? Four scholars discuss their views.
Questions of Truth: Fifty-one Responses to Questions About God, Science, and Belief
John Polkinghorne & Nicholas Beale
Westminster John Knox
Amazon link
Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Scientist
Guy Consolmagno
Amazon link
Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno is an astronomer at the Vatican observatory, specializing in the study of meteorites. In a witty and engaging style, he discusses several topics: the Galileo incident, meteorites from Mars, trips to the Antarctic, his life as a scientist, and that studying creation is a way of worshiping the creator.
Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues
Ian Barbour
Harper, revised edition
Has been used as textbook for science and faith courses, 4 models of interaction. This is a revision of the 1990 book, it includes Gifford lectures.
Is Nature Enough? Meaning and Truth in the Age of Science
John Haught
Cambridge University Press
Amazon link
Science and Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective
Del Ratzsch
InterVarsity Press
Amazon link
An updated version of his 1986 book Philosophy of Science. Ratzsch is an expert in the philosophy of science and has written extensively on some of the main flash points that have traditionally existed between theology and science, especially around questions of cosmic origins.
When Science and Christianity Meet
Ronald L. Lindberg (Editor)
University of Chicago Press
2008 Reprint edition
Amazon link
Protestant Thought and Natural Science: A Historical Interpretation
John Dillenberger
Univ. of Notre Dame
Amazon link
For decades, this was one of the top scholarly overviews of the history of science.
Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths About Science and Religion
Ronald Numbers (editor)
Harvard University Press
A book that pastors should consult when they broach science and religion issues, to avoid repeating common errors. Chapters by respected historians of science, including several Christians.
God, Chance, and Necessity
Keith Ward
Oneworld publications
Amazon link
An intellectual rebuttal of the scientific materialism of Dawkins and Atkins.
Oracles of Science: Celebrity Scientists Versus God and Religion
Mariano Giberson
Oxford University Press
Science & Religion: From Conflict to Conversation
John Haught
Paulist Press
Amazon link
Traffic in Truth: Exchanges Between Science and Theology
John Polkinghorne
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Amazon link
A very small book but a fine primer on various relationship models between theology and science.
Science and Theology: An Introduction
John Polkinghorne
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Amazon link
A good overview of the big issues surrounding a dialogue between science and theology. Could be used for an adult Sunday school course.
A Science and Religion Primer
Heidi Campbell & Heather Looy
Baker Academic
About 70 short (2-page) articles on various terms and topics in the science/religion debates.
Not Just Science: Questions where Christian Faith and Natural Science Intersect
Dorothy Chappell (Editor) & David Cook (Editor)
When Science Meets Religion: Enemies, Strangers, or Partners?
Ian Barbour
This highly readable book does a good job surveying most of the main types of relationship models that have been promoted for relating science and theology.
Toward a Christian View of a Scientific World
George Murphy
CRR Publishing
Amazon link
Good introduction to science and faith issues, with a Christological emphasis. Includes questions for group discussion.
The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty
H. E. Huntley
Amazon link
A book on beauty in mathematics and science.
Responsible Technology: A Christian Perspective
Stephen V. Monsma (editor)
Recommended by engineer Gayle Ermer as a classic text which articulates an approach to technology and engineering from a Christian perspective. (see Ermer’s essay for pastors at http://ministrytheorem.
Everyday Practice of Science: Where Intuition and Passion Meet Objectivity and Logic
Frederick Grinnell
Oxford University Press
Amazon link
A cell biologist describes what doing science is really like, plus comments on science education and science public policy.
Religion and Science: An Introduction
Brendan Sweetman
An even-handed introduction to the encounter between science and religion, including chapters on evolution, cosmology, and bioethics. Sweetman is a philosopher at a Jesuit university, and speaks from a theologically orthodox position. (Based on a review by Amos Young, Prof of Theology at Regent University in Virginia, who recommends the book for evangelical college students.)
Science and Grace: God’s Reign in the Natural Sciences
Don Morris
Crossway Books
Amazon link
The Big Questions in Science and Religion
Keith Ward
Templeton Press
Amazon link
The Triune Creator: A Historical and Systematic Study
Colin Gunton
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Amazon link
Quarks, Chaos, and Christianity
John Polkinghorne
Crossroad Publishing Company
2006 (revised edition)
The most accessible of John Polkinghorne’s books. Polkinghorne has the unique distinction of being a world-class scientist in the area of quantum physics and being an ordained pastor in the Anglican church with a theological education. This book is written with pastors and lay people in mind.
The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder
William P. Brown
Recommended by both theologians and scientists. It heightens the tension around some issues (such as the fall), but it appears to far transcend many of the more narrow and tired discussions about the length of days at creation and other matters which did not trouble Warfield. At minimum, the volume assures us that there is great value in doing science, theology, and scriptural interpretation in concert.
The Science of God: An Introduction to Scientific Theology
Alister McGrath
Amazon link
Short, accessible intro to his larger 3-volume work.
Beyond Paradise: Technology and Kingdom of God
Jack Clayton Swearengen
Wipf & Stock Publishers
Amazon link
The Gospel according to Science Fiction : from the Twilight Zone to the Final Frontier
Gabriel Mckee
Westminster John Knox Press
Amazon link
Connections to faith from science fiction.
Body, Soul, and Human Life: The Nature of Humanity in the Bible
Joel Green
Baker Academic
Amazon link
Modern Physics and Ancient Faith
Stephen Barr
University of Notre Dame Press
Amazon link
The Faith of a Physicist
John Polkinghorne
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Amazon link
Polkinghorne uses the framework of the Nicene Creed to address issues of faith and science.
The New Flatlanders: A Seeker’s Guide to the Theory of Everything
Eric Middleton
Templeton Foundation Press
Amazon link
Accessible, formatted as a conversation with students about cosmology, physics, philosophy, and faith.
Christians in Science
Professional organization of Christians in science in the U.K., resources on many topics.
Presbyterian Association on Science, Technology and the Christian Faith
An organization of the Presbyterian Church USA. With a small membership fee, members receive the quarterly journal SciTech.
Solid Rock Lectures
Ken Wolgemuth (speaker) & Gregg Davidson (speaker)
Wolgemuth and Davidson are dedicated Christians and PhD geologists, who speak to lay Christians about the evidence that God created the earth billions of years ago. Their website has links to many technical articles but their presentations are very clear for non-scientists.
Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science
Giuseppe A. Tanzella-Nitti (Editor)
A collection of articles and resources on science and faith, many from a Catholic perspective.
Counterbalance Interactive Library: New Views on Complex Issues
This website offers articles and video on “complex issues from science, ethics, philosophy, and religion” including “the evolution/creation controversy, biomedical ethical challenges, and much more.”
Scientists in Congregations
This program grants money to churches to improve partnerships between scientists, pastors, and parishioners in the church. Their website will offer resources, including resources developed in this program.
Wonders from My Vegetable Garden
Ron Klok
The Banner
January 18, 2011
Spiritual insights from gardening, connection to Jesus’ parables of seeds and harvest.
Autumn: a spiritual biography of the season
Gary Schmidt & Susan M. Felch
SkyLight Paths Publishing
Collection of devotions, poems, and short readings.
Summer: a spiritual biography of the season
Gary Schmidt & Susan M. Felch
SkyLight Paths Publishing
Amazon link
Collection of devotions, poems, and short readings.
From Nature to Creation: A Christian Vision for Understanding and Loving Our World
by Norman Wirzba
Baker Academic, 2015
Re-creation Wilderness Ministry
By Sophie Vanden Berg about Michael Fallon’s student wilderness ministry
The Banner
January 18, 2011
Dog-sledding and other outdoor activities, good theological foundation.
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God: Resources on the Theme of Creation
Reformed Worship
March, 2004
Several prayers and litanies compiled by the editors of “Reformed Worship” magazine.
Deb Haarsma and Scott Hoezee Discuss the Faith & Science Conversation
Scott Hoezee & Deb Haarsma
Deb Haarsma and Scott Hoezee Discuss the Faith-Science Conversation
Good Chemistry in a Fallen World
Roy Berkenbosch
Reformed Worship
March, 2007
A worship service led by chemists.
Note: Articles from many past issues of Reformed Worship are free. When someone accesses three or more past articles, they ask for a registration. Only an email address and a password are required to be a registered user. The registration is also free. Once registered, users have unlimited access to unlocked articles.
All Nature Sings
Dean R. Heetderks
Reformed Worship
June, 2001
Design for a banner to hang in a worship space.
Articles from many past issues of Reformed Worship are free. When someone accesses three or more past articles, they ask for a registration. Only an email address and a password are required to be a registered user. The registration is also free. Once registered, users have unlimited access to unlocked articles.
Science and Faith in Harmony: Positive ways to include science in worship
Joan Huyser-Honig
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Interview with Deb Haarsma and Scott Hoezee, plus links to many worship resources.
Life as a Psalm to the Lord: Thanking God for Holsteins and coyotes
Calvin B. DeWitt
Reformed Worship
March, 1995
Worship as a way of life for farmers and earth keepers.
Articles from many past issues of Reformed Worship are free. When someone accesses three or more past articles, they ask for a registration. Only an email address and a password are required to be a registered user. The registration is also free. Once registered, users have unlimited access to unlocked articles.
Reformed Worship
Faith Alive Christian Resources
A quarterly magazine that provides practical help and support to worship planners, no advertising.
Roads to Paradise and Perdition: Christ, Evolution, and Original Sin
George Murphy
ASA3 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith; explores human origins with a Christological emphasis.
Science as an Instrument of Worship: Can recent scientific discovery inform and inspire worship and service?
Jennifer Wiseman
A NASA astronomer discusses worshipful responses to God’s creation and what science has learned about it.
Indescribable: Encountering the Glory of God in the Beauty of the Universe
Louis Giglio & Matt Redman
David C. Cook
The book before you will lift your eyes to the skies, expand your mind, and refill your spirit with a new sense of the grandeur and awesome character of God. Jennifer Wiseman, evangelical Christian and NASA astronomer.
Pulpit Science Fiction
George Murphy
CSS Publishing Company
Ways to use modern parables (science fiction) in sermons.
Nature, God, and Pulpit
Elizabeth Achtemeier
Amazon link
Biblical reflections on how to preach science themes in Scripture, with sample sermons and meditations.
Proclaim the Wonder: Engaging Science on Sunday
Scott Hoezee
Amazon link
Weaving science into preaching.
In Plain Sight: Seeing God’s Signature throughout Creation
Charles Gordon
Designed on Purpose
40 devotional based on pairings of beautiful nature images. Gordon emphasizes beauty, wonder, and being more attentive to how nature points us to its Creator. More devotionals at the web site:
Cosmic Witness: Commentaries on Science/Technology Themes
George Murphy, Lavonne Althouse & Russell Willis
CSS Publishing Company (out of print)
Amazon link
This book is a genuine and rich gift to the church and its people. It opens up vast resources from scripture and the liturgy for speaking to our contemporary existence in a scientific and technological world. Not only will preaching from this commentary enrich our spiritual life, it will also challenge and deeply shape our response to the preached Word in our individual and social lives. We have been waiting for a long time to see this kind of resource for biblical preaching!
Philip Hefner, Professor of Systematic Theology, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
You might find a copy at the Baker Books Used site:
Science and Christian Faith Beyond Dualism: Sermons and Essays on Christian Faith, Science, and Technology
Daniel W. Martin (editor)
Presbyterian Publishing House
A collection of sermons from the Presbyterian Church USA. Out of print, but available used.
Preaching Creation Throughout the Church Year
Jennifer Phillips
Cowley Publications
Amazon link
This book is organized around the lectionary calendar, showing connections between the Bible readings of the church year and a range of science and nature topics. Phillips is an Episcopal priest.
The Best Preaching on Earth: Sermons on Caring for Creation
Stan LeQuire (editor)
Judson Press
Amazon link (for used books; out of print)
A lively collection of interesting sermons by preachers famous and obscure.
The Worship Sourcebook
Emily Brink & John Witvliet
Faith Alive Christian Resources
2004 (2nd edition published in 2013)
This is a fantastic resource for worship planning, and includes liturgical pieces that emphasize creation.
Artwork: Ashes & Snow
Gregory Colbert
An artist photographs animals in their natural habitat while interacting with humans. The photos are beautiful and meditative.
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Provides resources and ideas, grants to churches, annual conference, etc.
Cosmos: Refaithing Science
Regent College
Workshops and online resources on science and faith issues for ministers, developed by Regent College. Cosmos is a resource web page.
The Colossian Forum on Faith, Science, and Culture
The Colossian Forum facilitates dialogue on divisive topics within the church and approaches differing perspectives as Christ-given opportunities to build community, expand knowledge, and deepen faith.
The Glory of Creation
Fritz Pawelzik
Reformed Worship
June, 1990
Praising God for creation, particularly the harvest.
Articles from many past issues of Reformed Worship are free. When someone accesses three or more past articles, they ask for a registration. Only an email address and a password are required to be a registered user. The registration is also free. Once registered, users have unlimited access to unlocked articles.