The Worship Sourcebook

Emily Brink & John Witvliet Faith Alive Christian Resources 2004 (2nd edition published in 2013) link This is a fantastic resource for worship planning, and includes liturgical pieces that emphasize creation.

Reformed Worship

Faith Alive Christian Resources A quarterly magazine that provides practical help and support to worship planners, no advertising. link

All Creation Groans: An Interview with Katharine Hayhoe

Can worship practices help heal our broken relationship with the more-than-human creation? How might lament, gratitude, the sacraments, and embodied actions reanimate our love for God’s world? Join this conversation with Katharine Hayhoe and Debra Rienstra Video posted on January 25, 2021 as part of the 2021 Worship Symposium link

Ecumenical Water Network

link The EWN is a network of churches and Christian organizations promoting people’s access to water around the world. See their great list of “What you can do”, including education, worship, and giving:

St. Francis Day

The Text This Week: Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources link


Committed to helping churches engage the wonders of science in the life of the church. The Ministry Theorem seeks to remind pastors and other leaders in the church that an appreciation of science lies deep within the Reformed tradition as well as within the Christian tradition generally. From a biblical-theological standpoint, Christians rightly view science […]