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Committed to helping churches engage the wonders of science in the life of the church.

The Ministry Theorem seeks to remind pastors and other leaders in the church that an appreciation of science lies deep within the Reformed tradition as well as within the Christian tradition generally. From a biblical-theological standpoint, Christians rightly view science as a partner in the preaching and teaching ministry of the church, increasing our wonder over God’s works and so enhancing our worship of this Creator God.

Developed by the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary and the Science Division of Calvin College, The Ministry Theorem serves to promote an enhanced awareness of contemporary science and to provide resources and encouragement for engaging science in the ministries of congregations everywhere. The resources we provide will be of help to preaching pastors, Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, worship planners, and others in the leadership of congregations.

Synod Science Resources (pdf)